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Esperanto film festival

Posted on 2022-03-31

April 10th, 2022:

Hi everyone! Several people expressed interest in helping out by lending me their voices for this short animation. Here's some follow up information, and a link to the script.

  • Script link

  • "Who am I playing?" Well, unless you're my friend Tea playing the lead role, almost all the other lines are the same: "Kiel estis via semajnfino?" -- After I get audio files in, I will decide which audio clips go where.
    If you have a preference for gender of character you portray, please let me know.
    • I can pretty much use as many lines of this as I can get, so if you send something in, I will use it somewhere in the animation.

  • How to record your sound file:
    • Leave some "empty" noise either at the beginning or ending of your sound file so that I can take care of noise removal
    • Sound files can be .wav, .mp3, .ogg
    • I use the Audacity program to record audio, it's free.
    • You can email me your sound file(s) and info at REJCX@MOOSADEE.COM

  • Due date: The cut-off date for voices is Saturday, April 23rd, 2022. After this point, I will record any unacted parts myself so I can get the video ready to submit for the festival.

  • Pay: The pay for this is $15/hr. Since it is possible that I will win money from doing this animation, I want to make sure everybody is compensated for their roles.

    I can also compensate you by buying you something off Steam or itchio, or I can donate money to an organization of your choice.

  • Information I need from you:
    • How you want to be credited at the end of the animation (name, link to a webpage or social media?)
    • A Venmo username or PayPal email address, or I could buy you a video game on Steam or something.
    • A signed talent release form.
      • Program title: La Oficejo
      • Producer's name: Rachel Singh
      • Producer's phone number: (816) 607-1885
      • Date of taping: April 2022
      • NOTES:
        The form says "I understand that I am to receive no compensation for this appearance." but that is in regards to the Esperanto USA org sending actors money. I *will* be compensating you for your talent.

        The form states I may use photographs or your likeness to advertise. Since this is animated, this only applies to your voice clips being used by me or Esperanto USA.

March 31st, 2022:

Nu, mi ankoraŭ bezonas animacii mian filmeton por la Usona Bona Film-Festivalo. La send-limdato estas 1a Majo, kaj mi ne jam povis krei iun ajn. Do, mi ne kreos epizodon de "Piro Kavaliro", sed pli malgrandan filmon.

Ĉu iu volas esti voĉaktoro por la filmeto? Mi bezonas eble unu dialoglineo el ĉiu persono. La filmeto estas pri oficejo, laborado, kaj la malŝparado de tempo. :T

Voĉlineoj estas eble... la radio, kunlaborantoj, ktp.

Se vi volas, b.v. retpoŝti min ĉe rejcx ĉe moosadee punkto com



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